Work, Work, Work…

Just back from the dentist, so I’m a little late getting to the computer. I’m in the middle of reading my print proof for Home Is Where Your Heat Is. Darn it, I keep finding things that need correction, and several other people proofed it before it went in. Also working on a short story that I’d like to expand to a novella or novelette. Don’t think it will make a whole book. I’ll keep you posted.

Never Ends

This is going to be a weird day. I have people coming to take down two trees that are problematic, and I also have a guy coming to fix my garage door. (It will open, but it doesn’t always want to close.) Then after all that is done, I have a dental appointment this afternoon. What fun. NOT.

Back-Cover Time

I think I’m finally satisfied with the book. I’m waiting for a reader to get to it, and if she doesn’t find any big problems, then I can send it to the proofreader. In the meantime, I’m trying to write the back-cover blurb which can be harder than a 70,000 word manuscript.